Star Trek RESURGENCE – The Most Precious Time – Mission 44

Standby for the most TRAGIC mission of Star Trek RESURGENCE so far! Honestly, don’t just get tissue – get someone you love close to you because this is going to be traumatic.
We wave goodbye to one of the most dedicated officers in the fleet. And there isn’t a dry eye in the house…
However, the Aphelion, now crippled, is heading for destruction. Will Captain Rydek offer the hand of piece or will she destroy them to pieces when given the chance? The only problem at the moment – the away team is still aboard the Aphelion.
Will Captain Rydek sacrifice them all for the sake of the galaxy? Or is there another way out of this terrible mess for Edsilar, Diaz and Arminta?
Find out with us as we take on the heartbreaking Mission 44 – The Most Precious Time in Star Trek RESURGENCE!