URGENT WARNING: OS X ‘Superbug’ Update
Firstly, don’t worry everyone, our test machine hasn’t kernel panicked again since the last article. The updated solution (which incorporates the original solution) is performing flawlessly at the moment. We’re keeping our fingers crossed.
However, we have discovered some further fallout from the last kernel panic – which relates to the saving of files and data.
Please be aware that should a kernel panic occur, documents / files that are in the process of being saved or have recently (appeared) to have saved (within 30 seconds or so) are extremely vulnerable to corruption due to the kernel panic. Our testing revealed that for a short time after saving a file (after the save was apparently complete – dialog had completed) a kernel panic occurring around 7 seconds after apparent competition of the save resulted in complete corruption of the file – reading a size of 0 bytes. The application that was used during this test was Adobe Flash, and these results are likely to occur during the saving of any file in the stated circumstances.
In light of this we highly recommend that all users enable Time Machine and backup to an external HDD, Time Capsule or use a third party secure cloud backup service. It is recommended that the software is set to back up new or changed files at least once daily. During production work, for either individuals or businesses it is highly recommended that the backup interval is set at to a maximum of 15 minutes.
Let me know when you’ve had enough of your Mac ;). I’ll help in recommending a great Windows laptop for you that actually works great ;). The new Dell Inspiron’s look great ;).
As we’ve implemented the solution, we’re not so displeased at the moment, bar the minor fact that the best of the two graphics card has to be at least, temporarily disabled. However, it can be re-enabled for things like games, as window switching seems to be one of the main triggers at the moment.
Anyway, Apple may be partly vindicated – read the latest post in the OS X superbug BSOD saga ;).
Hey, I’m not entirely sure why I’m griping at Apple a lot, because it appears the original Samsung Chromebook has issues as well, as I detailed via e-mail ;).
Yes, it doesn’t appear to be a good time news wise for technology!!!
Maybe all the bad things are happening at once so we can have 10 years trouble free technology? (We wish! ;)).