Tagged: cache

Google Chrome – Clearing The Cache 0

Google Chrome – Clearing The Cache

Sometimes its necessary to clear the cache and sometimes its just helpful and can help speed things up – especially if you don’t clear the cache often.  There are several possible reasons for wanting...

UPDATE: OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’ – gfxCardStatus 2.0 1

UPDATE: OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’ – gfxCardStatus 2.0

[adrotate banner=”45″] Following the discovery by DPS Computing that gfxCardStatus 2.2.1 (the latest stable release) was a ‘one time wonder’ in regards to solving the OS X BSOD ‘superbug’ we decided to follow the advice...

MozyPro Ruled Out as a Trigger for OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’ 3

MozyPro Ruled Out as a Trigger for OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’

[adrotate banner=”45″] Following our research into alternative third party software triggers for the resilient OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’ we identified a couple of reports from users who thought that MozyPro (the cloud based backup facility...