DPS Computing – The Next Generation

DPS ComputingAs promised previously, we have lots of new (nice) surprises coming your way.  And it gives me great pleasure to be able to announce the first surprise!

As our regular members and visitors will know we are constantly striving to provide the best computing resource in the Internet – in terms of information, services and products to individuals and businesses alike.

To enable us to further continue on our mission to do this, we are extremely pleased to announce that we have today received confirmation from The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales that our application to form DPS Computing Limited has been approved and that the company has been duly incorporated as of today.

David Smith has been appointed Director of the new company and will lead it on it’s mission.

This is a major milestone for DPS Computing and our members and visitors and will enable us to provide better products and services.

The next new surprise is a brand new website – although don’t worry, the blog won’t disappear, it is going to be incorporated into a wider design which will showcase the products and services which we can provide you with.

The new services will include web hosting, web design, web application development and website maintenance and updates.

Our first software release has also been scheduled to occur within the next two weeks.

We hope you agree that there are exciting times ahead and hope that many of the members and visitors of our blog will decide to take some of our products and services which are competitively priced and of the highest quality.

Many thanks for all the support from our members and visitors.  You are the reason that we constantly strive to improve, break barriers, and be at the forefront of technological and computing developments.

David Smith.
DPS Computing Limited.

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Ben Stones
12 years ago

Wow! This is fantastic news! 🙂

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