Tagged: free course

Amazon Web Services 0

Managing Applications in AWS

There is no doubt that cloud-based services are growing day by day. On top of that, there is no doubt that Amazon Web Services is the largest provider of such services. If you’re in...


Securing Docker

Many of us out there are likely using Docker. Containerisation has burst onto the scene and is taking the infrastructure and development worlds by storm. And why not? After all, it helps resolve a...


Free Course – Getting Started with jQuery

Javascript is a powerful and flexible language. It’s no surprise then that many popular frameworks and libraries are JavaScript based – from React to Node, to Ember, to OpenUI5. jQuery is a JavaScript library....


Testing with Fixie .NET – Free Course

Testing is by far and away one of the most important processes in any software development lifecycle. Therefore, as a developer, by extension, finding the right testing framework is right. This week, Pluralsight is...


Looking for a New PHP Framework? Try Symfony

Fed up of your current framework or just looking to branch out? Then Symfony 2 might be for you – and this week only, Pluralsight are offering a free ‘Starting in Symfony2‘ course with...