Star Trek RESURGENCE – What Lies Beneath – Mission 16

Join us as we delve into the most EPIC mission of Star Trek RESURGENCE so far – What Lies Beneath – Mission 16.
Jara is on her way to the Hottie moon (sorry, forgot their names again! ;-)) to meat up with Tyler (sorry, forget her name as well – the Hottie Lady!) to try to discover some side secrets to bring back to Spock and Solano about what is causing the mysterious warp-disasters experienced by the USS Resolute.
Once they meet up, can they sneak in undetected. And once they get in – are they ready for what they find?
This is certainly the hardest mission so far and we’re here to share our ultimate success (and a couple of failures) to entertain you and help you on your way to completing this mission yourself.
Jump on board in Star Trek RESURGENCE as we investigate What Lies Beneath in Mission 16!