Star Trek RESURGENCE – Unmasking – Mission 23

Unmasking is certainly one way to describe the crystal-laden mad people! OMG, what are the TKon doing? How did this even start? Greed, power? Who knows, that matters not now.

Jara, Solano, Spock and the rest of the way team make their way to Hotari to make a humble apology but something very strange has happened.

Is this a trap? Have they walked right into it? Has the Federation got time to save the day? Or will Solano’s previous call, with the support of Jara, come back to haunt them all when they didn’t keep Starfleet informed about the progress with their mission?

Is Salono’s attempt to save his career going to be the ending of everyone aboard the USS Resolute?

Find out with us in Mission 23 – Unmasking on Star Trek Resurgence!

DPS David: