Star Trek RESURGENCE – Belly of the Beast – Mission 40

As we enter the Belly of the Beast on the Aphelia will Portal Six Three be able to hold it together to bring down the TKon flagship, the ones that Scions of the Flame have possessed?

Portal’s powers are reduced to ash which sparks a dangerous away mission within the away mission. But will Diaz step forward to take it on or will Edsilar be forced to take his place?

Another battle of both spycraft as well as phasecraft is required in a real variety of a mission to see if they can destroy the Aphelia from within. But with so much power in reach, can Portal Six Three really finish off the Scions of the Flame once and for all or does he really think that the TKon empire could, and should, come back?

Find out with us as we enter the Belly of the Beast – Mission 40 on Star Trek RESURGENCE!

DPS David: