Star Trek RESURGENCE – Dead Reckoning – Mission 21

How do we pick up the pieces from this in Dead Reckoning – Mission 21. The Xhati ship is long gone and somehow managed to hide the only method of tracing them and now the Captain is starting to act a bit strangely… surely he’s not going the way of Miranda?

Jara made the right call with Miranda – but will she be able to make the right call again for Captain Solano? And what even is the right call?

Sending for Starfleet could provide much needed reinforcements but might also finish the Captain’s career for good. A crew on the USS Resolute initially skeptical of Jara may now be hanging their hopes on Commander Rydek and wondering whether she can step up to the plate.

A senior meeting with an unexpected outcome keeps everyone on edge as the Resolute and her crew try to pick up the pieces in Dead Reckoning – Mission 21 on Star Trek RESURGENCE!

DPS David: