Humble Bundle – Grab Games Dirt Cheap & Donate To Charity At The Same Time!

Games, they’re great.  They’re even more great, dare I say awesome for geeks!  And we always love a bargain.

If you anything like me, you see a game that you kind of want (but not a lot) and think, if I can get a deal on it, consider it sold!

However, there isn’t only now somewhere that you can get a great deal on selected games – but, you can also donate part (or in theory, all) of the money you pay for these games to a charity of your choosing – double win!

Get the games to quench your thirst, support a great organisation and donate some money to the charity that you choose – you can’t lose!

Who are they?

The name is Humble Bundle.  They’ve got a new ‘humble bundle’ each month.  There’s also subscriptions and a standard game e-store but we’re going to focus on the monthly Humble Bundle for now.

Essentially, this is a ‘pay what you want’ model (with some minimums – albeit very low minimums).  The more you donate, the more games you get.

And with prices starting at $1 (approximately £0.76), you really can’t grumble and it’s worth having a punt with almost any game at that price!

How does it work?

View the Humble Bundle on the website, there’s a new one every month.  Decide what you want to donate, and what split you want between the developers of the games in the bundle, the lovely people behind Humble Bundle itself and a charity of your choosing.  The you get the games delivered to you in super rapid (pretty much instant, according to the reports we’ve heard) to your inbox.

Games are provided as codes – i.e. Steam codes.  Pop them into your Steam client and the game will start to download and install.  Easy peasy – much better than in the good old days of waiting for the Royal Mail to deliver you games to you a few days later!

What’s in it?

The contents of the Humble Bundle change each month, so even if you don’t like anything that’s in it one month, make sure to head back their next – there could be a game that you’ve been waiting for at a knock down price.

Let’s have a look at what’s in it this month.

For the bargain price of $1 (£0.76 approx) we’ve got:

OK, so Duke Nukem Forever is the game that took the developers a bazillion years and is critically panned, but for 25p, it’s worth a go!  The Darkness II and Special Ops: The Line are also included.

Willing to pay a little bit more?  Well the middle ‘band’ is interesting – it fluctuates between the lower and upper bands based on what people have been willing to pay.  Currently the middle band and next tier sit at $9.28 (£7.05 approx).  For that, you get the three games from tier one above and also:

Now, you get your money’s worth out of this purely for the inclusion of the superb Civilization V.  For those who haven’t played the others (and for those that have even more), Civ V is well worth a play – great strategy game that can lead to hours and hours of fun as standard!

For the basketball fans we’ve also got NBA 2016.  Thrown in for good measure is Mafia II – Directors Cut and the Battleborn Start Skin Pack.  Followed by Freedom Force, Freedom Force vs The Third Reich, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and the secret guilty pleasure of many a person out there (yes, you know you’ve played the demo!) Railroad Tycoon 3.

£0.64 per game so far – great value I hear you say.  Truly exceptional value in my book.

And if you’ve got a little more cash, it’ll get you some more goodies – pay $15 (£11.39 approx) and they’ll throw in more Battleborn games and add-ons:

Still not enough?  I hear you.  They’ll also throw these in on top of the tier three bundle:


Awesome games, unbelievable price and you get to help a chosen charity at the same time – all for one low price.  Now our gaming habits can help good causes as well as enabling us to get our fix and save a ton of money at the same time.

With a collective RRP of $360, all yours for as little as $15, this is a no-brainer.

What are you waiting for?!  Go out and grab your bundle now!

DPS David: