Google Doodles Does The London 2012 Olympics

We know, its a sad time for everyone now, the amazing London 2012 Olympics is over after a fantastic closing ceremony last night.  However, if you’re not quite ready to let go of the Olympics yet then thanks to Google we can recap all of their Olympic Google doodles!  Some of them were even interactive and turned into mini games (don’t blame us if you get addicted!!).

Google did no less than 17 Google doodles during the Olympics – one for each day that the Games of the XXX Olympiad were open.

Naturally we started off with the Opening Ceremony doodle:

Then we had archery:

Then diving:

Then we moved onto fencing:

Followed by ‘rings’:

And then to start off the new month we had field hockey:

Followed by table tennis:

And then shot put:

Then pole vault:

Followed by synchronised swimming:

Then javelin:

Then we move onto hurdles:

(Don’t worry, we’re nearly there!).  Followed by basketball:

Then slalom canoe (that’s a cross between canoeing and skiing / snowboarding to most of us!! ;)) :

Followed by soccer (or as us Brits like to call it, football!):

(Nearly there now!).  Followed by the penultimate doodle, rhythmic gymnastics:

And finally, of course, the Closing Ceremony:

We’re sure you’ll agree, there’s some excellently talented graphic designers at Google!  And don’t worry, they’re not all just ‘pretty pictures’ – some double up as interactive games as well!

Think you’re a wizz on the basketball court?  Why not have a go at the interactive basketball Google doodle game?

Or maybe slalom canoeing is more your thing?  That’s no problem, there’s an interactive slalom canoe Google doodle game as well!

Or maybe you’re an ace at football?  Don’t worry, there’s an interactive football (soccer!) Google doodle game as well.

After you’ve played each of the interactive doodles you have the opportunity to share the game with your friends and also post your score to your Google+ account.  It’s a bit like ‘simple Facebook’ 😉 (we’re referring to the doodles there – comparing them to Facebook games – not Google+!!!!)

Great Britain ended their home London 2012 Olympics with their best performance in over a century – achieving 29 gold medals, 17 silver medals and 19 bronze medals.  Well done Team GB!

DPS David: