UPDATE: OS X BSOD ‘Superbug’ – gfxCardStatus 2.0

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Following the discovery by DPS Computing that gfxCardStatus 2.2.1 (the latest stable release) was a ‘one time wonder’ in regards to solving the OS X BSOD ‘superbug’ we decided to follow the advice of the gfxCardStatus developer and downgrade to 2.1, which shouldn’t have the same issue.

We can confirm during testing that downgrading to 2.1 had the same effect as using 2.2.1 – after one reboot, the screen would be garbled and unreadable using the ‘Integrated Only’ option.

Another solution that was suggested by the developer is to downgrade to any version of gfxCardStatus 2.0 or above, especially if it has worked previously for you.

Unfortunately, we were not using gfxCardStatus before the problems started affecting our testing machine, however we have downgraded to version 2.0 of gfxCardStatus to see if this helps resolve the issue.  Testing is currently ongoing however initial results are promising (although this was the case while using the initial 2.2.1 version).

That having been said, we are hopeful that version 2.0 may work for us, as there has been some positive feedback on the gfxCardStatus forums stating that this has worked for users trying to thwart the robust OS X BSOD superbug.

We will continue testing gfxCardStatus version 2 and update you.  We are planning to continue to run the test plans involving actions where the OS X BSOD and kernel panics frequently occur and reboot the machine several times to check that the solution continues to work after reboot.

DPS David:

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