Happy Birthday Alan Turing!

Today marks what would have been Alan Turing’s 100th birthday.


Google have celebrated in the usual fashion with a new “Google doodle” to mark the occasion.  The latest doodle is an interactive doodle allowing users to use a simulation of the Turing Machine, developed in 1936 by Alan Turing which formed the basis of the hypothetical computing model that Turing proposed.  The theory was seen as ground breaking at the time, and Turing impressed his peers with his hypothesis.  The aim of the doodle is to get all of the letters from Google logo to appear by progressively solving the puzzles.  Why not have a go and tell us how you got on below?


In other Turing related news, it has been reported that the verdict of an inquest into the death of the mathematical genius and codebreaker that found Turing’s death was due to suicide is ‘not supportable’.

Turing expert Professor Jack Copeland believes that his death may have just as easily have been an accident and that the evidence presented at the 1954 inquiry into his death would not be sufficient by todays standards to making a ruling of suicide.

The coroner at the inquest stated “In a man of his type, one never knows what his mental processes are going to do next.”  It is believed that the coroner was likely referring to Turing’s homosexuality, which was public knowledge.

As the father of modern day computing, DPS Computing would like to say happy birthday to the late and great Alan Turing.

PS.  If you’re getting frustrated by solving the Turing Machine doodle or you simply want to know the solution, then check out the video below:

DPS David: