Channel 4 Teams Up With YouTube

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Channel 4 has become the first major broadcaster to sign a deal with video sharing website YouTube to provide its content on the website for its 20 million viewers starting in 2010.  Channel 4 hopes that this will boost their viewers and it is the first broadcaster worldwide to sign any such deal with YouTube or any similar video sharing website.

When questioned about the latest deal the broadcaster Channel 4 declined to provide information of the financial settlement agreed on between themselves and YouTubes owner Google but they did confirm that the programmes would only be available to viewers in the United Kingdom and that advertising revenue from the venture would be split between both parties – although Channel 4 would also not confirm the details of the percentages each party would get.

Nikesh Arora, a spokesperson for Google said “Channel 4 have been visionary in their online strategy and are consistently at the forefront of new uses of YouTube to engage their viewers and unlock new revenue streams. This significant new agreement brings Channel 4’s great full length content to the YouTube community, helping Channel 4 to grow their online revenues and to continue to invest in the creation of high quality original content.”

Andrew Duncan, the spokesperson for Channel 4 said “Making our programmes directly accessible to YouTube’s 20 million UK users will financially benefit both Channel 4 and our independent production partners and help bolster our investment in quality British content.”

Early predictions suggest that the deal will turn out to be rather profitable for both sides of the deal.

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DPS David: